
April 21, 2011

Square Enix Releases Patch for WAKFU Closed Beta

Square Enix announced today a new patch is now available in WAKFU, the vibrant, tactical MMORPG currently in closed beta in North America.

The patch introduces two all-new character classes to closed beta, the Enutrof and the Ecaflip:

  • The Enutrof: With their pockets full of kamas, a drheller lying at their feet, and a shovel in hand, no doubt... you're in the presence of a treasure-hunting Enutrof!
  • The Ecaflip: Sporting a shiny fur coat and a strong tendency to lay their fate in the hands of luck, the disciples of Ecaflip are the spitting image of their god: a gambler!

Players can also now venture to the new territory Emelka in the land of Amakna, or visit the City of Mercenaries, Astrub. As they explore these uncharted lands, players might stumble upon the brainless Moogrrs, a new species of animal that can be found in the Cania Fields of Bonta. Not only are new environments, animals and classes awaiting players in the latest patch, but the politics interface has been implemented, allowing users to become acquainted with the political aspects of their chosen nations.

For more information about these updates and more, please see the full patch notes by visiting:–patch–0–303–political–movement.

WAKFU is currently in Closed Beta in North America and will enter Open Beta in the summer of 2011. Developed by Ankama and published in North America by Square Enix, WAKFU will see a simultaneous worldwide release in 2011 for PC, Mac and Linux.
